Image of Discount Code for AMC00 Wondershare PDFelement V11 Single-platform Perpetual Plan Mac ID 47480731

Discount Code for AMC00 Wondershare PDFelement V11 Single-platform Perpetual Plan Mac ID 47480731

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Wondershare PDFelement for Windows is a powerful PDF tool that helps windows users work with PDF files easier and allows you to produce great-looking PDF documents and forms quickly, affordably, and securely. With this PDFelement for Windows software, you can:Open, save, print and markup PDFs;Add, remove, move, re-size and rotate any graphical element within your PDF;Secure your PDFs with password protection;Convert PDF documents into Word, PowerPoint, Excel, HTML, text and image files;Create interactive form field and recognize form field automatically;Extract data from interactive PDF forms and export in CSV format;Insert page numbers, bates number, and page elements;Approve and sign documents digitally;Unlock text within images using OCR;Perform partial OCR on specific user-defined fields in scanned PDFs;Batch process to convert, create, optimize, data extract, bates number, and watermark.A good way to get up to speed in using PDFelement is by familiarizing yourself with its workspace. PDFelement provides an intuitive user interface with a menu bar, a toolbar, a navigation panel, and work area.

Price: USD 129.99

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