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Discount Code for AMC00 Parivartak ID 3673254

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Parivartak is all new UNICODE CONVERTER & EDITOR FOR HINDI, MARATHI, NEPALI and Other DEVNAGRI SCRIPTS. It can easily convert Kruti Dev/Shusha font to Unicode and saves your precious time. It supports Kruti to Mangal (Arial Unicode MS) conversion, Shusha to Mangal, Kruti to Shusha and Shusha to Kruti conversion. It also has an Unicode Editor which supports Kruti and Shusha style of typing for Unicode so that you need not learn the new way of typing. The new version has the capability to leave English as it is so you don’t have to reformat your document after conversion. You can copy paste the data to any file or you can import text from RTF/TXT files for conversion. It converts data accurately and with lightening speed and can convert 100's of pages in a very short time.It also has an Onscreen Hindi keyboard in Editor Mode by which you can easily insert unicode text. In this version we have fixed earlier bugs and made it more reliable, fast and accurate.In Parivartak Unicode Editor you can type Hindi and Other Devnagari Scripts like Marathi, Nepali, Konkani, Kashmiri, Maithili and Sanskrit in Mangal or Arial Unicode MS as you type in Kruti or Shusha Font.In Parivartak Unicode Converter you can convert Hindi and Other Devnagari Script like Marathi, Nepali, Konkani, Kashmiri, Maithili and Sanskrit text in Mangal or Arial Unicode MS and can save the converted text in MS Word, Notepad and for Website as HTML file.
Windows 10 Windows 2000 Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 9x Windows NT Windows Vista Windows XP

Price: USD 39.95

Category Catalogue Product Name Price
Software AMC00 Parivartak ID 3673254 39.95

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