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Okdo PDF to EMF Converter Command Line is an excellent PDF converter to convert PDF to EMF image. It is a standalone program and does not require Adobe Acrobat. Using Okdo PDF to EMF Converter Command Line, it processes at very high speed and you can convert multiple PDF files to EMF image files at one time with preserving the original text, tables, image, layout of your source PDF document. Support command line operation. Convert multiple PDF to EMF files at one time.Support converting password protected PDF.Smart for processing large PDF.No need for any third-party PDF reader software.Specify resolution for generated images.Specify range of pages to convert.Support wildcard character for batch conversion.Option to Load source file path from a text file.Option to specify a source folder.Option to load files from sub-folders.Option to save output files in the same folder as source.Option to rename output file if file exist or overwrite the file.
Windows 10 Windows 2000 Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Vista Windows XP