Discount Code for AMC00 Ailt PDF to WMF Converter ID 4665579

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Ailt PDF to WMF Converter is an easy PDF to WMF converter. You can convert your PDF files to popular WMF image file in batches. It can preserve original layout, text, images, vector drawings of your PDF file.It is a standalone program which does not need Adobe Acrobat software support.   Advance Features:It provides user-friendly interface.It supports multiple PDF documents conversion (Batch Processing)Supports converting the encrypted PDF file.Convert each page of PDF to one single WMF image.You can convert the whole PDF file at once or you can choose specific pages. Supports to customize DPI when convert PDF to WMF Image format. Supports to customize Image color depth like True Color,256 Shades of Gray,Black and White.Supports to add files by dragging and droppingSupports to save and load the converted file list.Supports to choose the entire folder to convert.Supports to choose the storage path.Supports to automatically open the output folder after converted. Supports saving output files in the same folder as source files.More...
Windows 10 Windows 2000 Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows NT Windows Vista Windows XP

Price: USD 39.95

Category Catalogue Product Name Price
Software AMC00 Ailt PDF to WMF Converter ID 4665579 39.95

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